September Event Schedule
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- By Store Staff
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A quick rundown of ALL the things we have going on in September and this month is a DOOZY!
Masks are encouraged for the unvaccinated.
Weekly Events:
- Sunday: Open gaming all day
- Monday: Open gaming all day
- Tuesday: Open gaming all day
- Wednesday: Greenfield Chess Club. 5:30-8:00pm
- Thursday: Open gaming all day
- Friday: Magic Modern FNM. 6:00-10:00 $5 Entry fee. Store credit and Promo pack prizes. Casual Commander during FNM.
- Saturday: Board Game Afternoon. 1:00-5:00. See Discord for details and planning. Casual Pauper 1:00-7:00. Often more MtG Commander Saturdays, too. YOUNGBLOODS: THE GATHERING: A crew of our Magic players are here every week ready to teach the young'uns how to play!
Special Events:
- Friday September 2nd-4th: Dominaria United Prerelease Weekend! Each of these events will have a $30 entry fee and provide players with a six booster pack sealed pool! There will be booster pack prizes for all events. Friday September 2nd at 3PM (M44EJPN), Saturday September 3rd at Noon (2GGVXDD), Saturday September 3rd at 5PM (R227MEG), and Sunday September 4th at 1PM (2GG2QDQ).
- Monday September 5th: Labor Day! We're going to be closed all day.
- Sunday September 11th - Saturday September 17th: STORE CLOSURE! Once again it is vacation time for our staff! Thank you for your understanding while we give our employees a well earned rest.
- Sunday September 18th: Kael's Cube of Doom Qualifier Number 4! 1:00-7:00. This is the fourth qualifier in a series of seven free cube draft qualifiers being hosted in our store on Sudays leading to an invitational draft! These events are all free and the invitational will have a prize of a SEALED BOX OF MODERN HORIZONS 2 SET BOOSTERS! Find more details in-store! EventLink codes: 9/18 (M4434X5), 9/25 (R2252YX), 10/2 (2GG3GN7), 10/9 (XGGRG2D)
- Monday September 19th: Painting Day! 4:00-7:00. Join us at our tables and learn painting tips and tricks of the trade from our very own painting master Andrew! Enjoy the painting company. Bring your own supplies or just bring a model! (Every third Monday of the month)
- Saturday September 24th: Dominaria United Game Day! 1:00-7:00. We're hosting our first Draft format Game Day for fun and prizes! Join us at 1PM for a $15 draft of the set Dominaria United with Promo Card and Credit prizes! (2GGVXDD)
- Saturday September 24th: Dominaria United League! We're changing up our league slightly this time around! It's still going to be 2 points per match won and 1 point per match lost, but in addition to the grand prize at the end (which will include a cool custom prize again) there are going to be participation prizes for finishing your 4th, 5th, and 6th weeks of the league! Finishing your 4th week will get you a Promo Card, Finishing your 5th week will get you a free Set booster of Dominaria United, and finishing your 6th week will get you a promo pack! We hope to see you in the league!
- Friday October 7th: Warhammer 40K Commander Deck Release Day! We're going to have the new line of 40K Commander Decks available for sale and hope to have some casual commander happening at our tables!
- Saturday October 8th: Unfinity Release Party! 1:00-7:00. We're going to be hosting a $15 draft of the new un-set with promo prizes for participation and credit prizes for placing well! (8MMZPQ6)
- Saturday October 15th: Store Championship! 1:00-7:00. Our free Modern format Store Championship will have some very cool promo prizes! Come on in and become the store champ! (7EE8X24)
Would you like to run an event? Is there a game you'd like us to host?
Tell us either through e-mail, Facebook, Discord or just comment it below!
Photo by Anton Sukhinov on Unsplash
Saturday September 24th: Dominaria United Game Day! 1:00-7:00. We're hosting our first Draft format Game Day for fun and prizes! Join us at 1PM for a $15 draft of the set Dominaria United with Promo Card and Credit prizes! (2GGVXDD)
Saturday September 24th: Dominaria United League! We're changing up our league slightly this time around! It's still going to be 2 points per match won and 1 point per match lost, but in addition to the grand prize at the end (which will include a cool custom prize again) there are going to be participation prizes for finishing your 4th, 5th, and 6th weeks of the league! Finishing your 4th week will get you a Promo Card, Finishing your 5th week will get you a free Set booster of Dominaria United, and finishing your 6th week will get you a promo pack! We hope to see you in the league!
Hi Guys,
Jesus said that there may be events during September that might conflict with Pauper at 1 PM. I can't find anything on Discord that speaks to events. On the event schedule I see store closed on 17 Sep and Dominaria United on 24 Sep. 10 Sep should be good, unless I am missing something.
Dave J